Protect your brand from unauthorized sellers. Build your brand value & customer experience.
Not all sales are good sales. Many brands are unaware of the long-term damage lack of brand control is doing to their channel strategy, brand value, customer experience.
Losing sales to unauthorized resellers
Disrupted advertised pricing on highly visible marketplaces
Inability to effectively advertise on Amazon
Poor inventory management with out-of-stock items & delays in order fulfillment
Inconsistent brand experience which damages customer trust
What does your ideal marketplace presence look like? We meet to discuss your dream scenario and what it will take to get there.
Analyze unauthorized vs. authorized revenue
Investigate & analyze current sellers
Identify key KPIs for progress reporting
We connect you with a 3rd party law firm with deep experience in eControl to establish a legal foundation to support your individual go to market strategy.
Prepare and implement authorized reseller policies
Implement the legal foundation necessary to enable enforcement against unauthorized sellers
After your brand’s legal foundation is established, you will be empowered to take action to enforce your brand’s control strategy.
Identify and address customers operating outside of your channel controls
Engaging in targeted legal enforcement against disruptive unauthorized sellers
how much your business is being disrupted by unauthorized sellers. For qualifying brands, we’ll dive into your ASINs and provide the following insights:
Unauthorized Revenue vs. Authorized Revenue
Unauthorized BB% vs. Authorized BB%
Brand Erosion Impact
For qualifying brands, we’ll dive into your ASINs and provide a brand control consultation.